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Christina Quarles, «Bless Tha Nightn’gale», 2019. Tilhører Christen Sveaas’ Kunststiftelse.

Kistefos presenterer årets program for 2025

Kistefos' utstillingsprogram presenterer verk av tre internasjonalt anerkjente samtidskunstnere: Christina Quarles, Kathleen Ryan og Nairy Baghramian. Gjennom temaet «Det kroppslige og interseksjonalitet» inviterer årets program til en dyptpløyende refleksjon over kroppen som både fysisk form og kulturelt symbol, samtidig som det tilbyr visuelt slående kunstneriske opplevelser.

Christina Quarles, «Bless Tha Nightn’gale», 2019. Courtesy of the artist and Christen Sveaas Art Collection.

Kistefos presents 2025 programme

In 2025, Kistefos will present an exhibition programme with works by three internationally renowned contemporary artists: Christina Quarles, Kathleen Ryan and Nairy Baghramian. Through the theme ‘The Corporeal and Intersectionality’, this year's programme invites an in-depth reflection on the body as both physical form and cultural symbol, while offering visually striking artistic experiences.

Whistleblower består ava seks glasskulpturer laget av den internasjonalt anerkjente kunstneren Kader Attia. Hver glasskulptur er nøye plassert i skogen på Kistefos av kunstneren selv. Foto: Vegard Kleven.

Kistefos avduket nytt verk av Kader Attia

Kistefos er stolte over å kunngjøre avdukingen av Whistleblower, seks glasskulpturer av den internasjonalt anerkjente kunstneren Kader Attia. Skulpturene er plassert i den fredfulle skogen sør for The Twist. Whistleblower er det 54. arbeidet i skulpturparken og beriker museets samling med sin dypsindige utforsking av forholdet mellom natur og kultur.

Whistleblower consists of six glass sculptures created by the internationally renowned artist Kader Attia. Each glass sculpture is carefully placed in the forest at Kistefos by the artist himself. Photo: Vegard Kleven.

Kistefos Museum unveils Kader Attia’s Whistleblower

Kistefos Museum is delighted to announce the unveiling of Whistleblower, six captivating glass sculptures by internationally acclaimed artist Kader Attia. The sculptures, revealed to the public on August 22, 2024, are nestled in the tranquil forest south of The Twist.

Noor Bhangu er den første mottakeren av Springbrett på Kistefos

Mottakeren av Springbrett OPEN CALL 2024 er Noor Bhangu

Juryen har enstemmig valgt å tildele den første utgaven av Springbrett til en kurator med et forslag som var både intellektuelt strengt og poetisk. Virkningen av migrasjon på kunstnerisk produksjon, og konstruksjonen av estetiske praksiser gjennom migrasjonshandlinger, er svært relevant i dag. Dette er et emne som krever både presisjon og sensitivitet i håndteringen. Forslaget var selvsikkert form

To verk av årets skulptør 2024 på Kistefos, Tatiana Trouvé, er åpnet

To verk av årets skulptør 2024 på Kistefos, Tatiana Trouvé, er åpnet

Kistefos har gleden av å annonsere to nye verk i skulpturparkens samling. The Guardian og Bench er laget av den fransk-italienske kunstneren Tatiana Trouvé (f. 1968), og ble avduket lørdag 4. mai på museets sesongåpning. Verkene inngår som nummer 53 i skulpturparkens samling og er plassert i det historiske tresliperiet.

'Bench' is one of two works created by this year's sculptor at Kistefos, Tatiana Trouvé. Photo: Vegard Kleven.

Kistefos Museum Announces Tatiana Trouvé as 2024 Sculptor of the Year

Kistefos Museum is delighted to unveil Tatiana Trouvé, the acclaimed French-Italian artist, as Sculptor of the Year for 2024. Born in Italy in 1968, Trouvé brings her unique vision to life in two captivating sculptures, The Guardian and Bench, specially crafted for the museum's season opening on May 4th.

Sosiale medier

One of the highlights of the 2024 season was the unveiling of our two new artworks by Tatiana Trouvé in the old Wood Pulp Mill. 

“Bench” and “The Guardian” were made specifically for and in dialogue with these spaces, and allude to the workers’ community existing here until the mid 1950s. The aesthetically subtle sculptures look like abandoned old furniture, yet are made in materials such as bronze, brass marble, aluminium and sodalite. Depicting selected objects, they are meant to be protectors of ideas and bring to life otherwise marginalised or forgotten stories and knowledge.

Photo: Vegard Kleven

#tatianatrouvé #guardian

One of the highlights of the 2024 season was the unveiling of our two new artworks by Tatiana Trouvé in the old Wood Pulp Mill. “Bench” and “The Guardian” were made specifically for and in dialogue with these spaces, and allude to the workers’ community existing here until the mid 1950s. The aesthetically subtle sculptures look like abandoned old furniture, yet are made in materials such as bronze, brass marble, aluminium and sodalite. Depicting selected objects, they are meant to be protectors of ideas and bring to life otherwise marginalised or forgotten stories and knowledge. Photo: Vegard Kleven #tatianatrouvé #guardian

Springbrett 2025 - OPEN CALL for young curators

Application deadline: 3 January 2025

Kistefos invites young curators based in Norway to develop and realise an exhibition in collaboration with the museum’s curatorial team. The exhibition will be shown in Nybruket Gallery in the 2025 season (June – October).

Curators aged 24-35 are invited to submit an exhibition proposal taking its starting point in works from the Christen Sveaas Art Foundation, together with works outside the collection from early-career artists. The successful curator will be selected by an international jury consisting of highly regarded art professionals. The exhibitions will form the basis for an exciting and dynamic education programme that aims to attract a young museum audience. The goal of Springbrett is to raise the profile of young curators, artists and art educators in the Norwegian art field. The project is supported by funding from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB.

Read more and apply via link in bio or at kistefosmuseum.com

@sparebankstiftelsendnb #springbrett #curator #opencall #christensveaasart #opencallforcurators @christensveaasart

Springbrett 2025 - OPEN CALL for young curators Application deadline: 3 January 2025 Kistefos invites young curators based in Norway to develop and realise an exhibition in collaboration with the museum’s curatorial team. The exhibition will be shown in Nybruket Gallery in the 2025 season (June – October). Curators aged 24-35 are invited to submit an exhibition proposal taking its starting point in works from the Christen Sveaas Art Foundation, together with works outside the collection from early-career artists. The successful curator will be selected by an international jury consisting of highly regarded art professionals. The exhibitions will form the basis for an exciting and dynamic education programme that aims to attract a young museum audience. The goal of Springbrett is to raise the profile of young curators, artists and art educators in the Norwegian art field. The project is supported by funding from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB. Read more and apply via link in bio or at kistefosmuseum.com @sparebankstiftelsendnb #springbrett #curator #opencall #christensveaasart #opencallforcurators @christensveaasart

🍂 Even though the 2024 season has come to a close, our sculpture park remains open all year for you to explore 🧡 How about an autumnal stroll this weekend?

One of the highlights you can discover is Jeppe Hein's Modified Social Benches. These playful sculptural pieces of furniture are scattered around the park, each one inviting you to sit, climb, or even try to keep your balance! 😄

Hein’s benches may look familiar at first glance, but they've been uniquely altered to transform the simple act of sitting into a fun, physical challenge. Somewhere between functional design and artwork, they make us rethink how we interact with public spaces and add an extra layer of enjoyment to your walk through the park.

📸 Jon Christian Bjone, Studio Hei

#jeppehein #socialmodifiedbenches

🍂 Even though the 2024 season has come to a close, our sculpture park remains open all year for you to explore 🧡 How about an autumnal stroll this weekend? One of the highlights you can discover is Jeppe Hein's Modified Social Benches. These playful sculptural pieces of furniture are scattered around the park, each one inviting you to sit, climb, or even try to keep your balance! 😄 Hein’s benches may look familiar at first glance, but they've been uniquely altered to transform the simple act of sitting into a fun, physical challenge. Somewhere between functional design and artwork, they make us rethink how we interact with public spaces and add an extra layer of enjoyment to your walk through the park. 📸 Jon Christian Bjone, Studio Hei #jeppehein #socialmodifiedbenches

Thank you for an amazing 2024 season! 🌟

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who visited Kistefos this year. You’ve all contributed to making this season a great success! 🙏🏻

We kicked off the season on May 4th with our traditional mix of hot dogs and prosecco, and the highlights kept coming:

🔸 Exhibition of the year in The Twist: Hurvin Anderson – Salon Paintings
🔸 New sculpture of the year: Tatiana Trouvé – Bench & Guardian
🔸 Exhibition of the year at Nybruket: Pipilotti Rist – [y]our lungs sound in an infinite forest
🔸 Springbrett exhibition: Has My Place Forgotten Me?, curated by Noor Bhangu
🔸 Kader Attia’s latest work – Whistleblower

What was the highlight of your visit this season? We’d love to hear what stood out to you! 😍

Next year’s season opens on May 10th – mark your calendars and get ready for more exciting art experiences at Kistefos! 📅


Thank you for an amazing 2024 season! 🌟 We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who visited Kistefos this year. You’ve all contributed to making this season a great success! 🙏🏻 We kicked off the season on May 4th with our traditional mix of hot dogs and prosecco, and the highlights kept coming: 🔸 Exhibition of the year in The Twist: Hurvin Anderson – Salon Paintings 🔸 New sculpture of the year: Tatiana Trouvé – Bench & Guardian 🔸 Exhibition of the year at Nybruket: Pipilotti Rist – [y]our lungs sound in an infinite forest 🔸 Springbrett exhibition: Has My Place Forgotten Me?, curated by Noor Bhangu 🔸 Kader Attia’s latest work – Whistleblower What was the highlight of your visit this season? We’d love to hear what stood out to you! 😍 Next year’s season opens on May 10th – mark your calendars and get ready for more exciting art experiences at Kistefos! 📅 #kistefos

🔵 Did you know that the deep blue color of the hand-blown glass in Kader Attias's work 'Whistleblower' has a rich connection to local history? Just a few kilometers south of Kistefos, Blaafarveværket (The Blue Colour Works) produced blue cobalt glass from 1776 to 1898. Even further south, Nøstetangen Glassworks, Norway’s first professional glassworks (est. 1741), provided fine glassware to the royal court in Denmark-Norway and beyond.

Swipe to see these stunning sculptures up close! 💙

Photo: Jon Christian Bjone, Studio Hei

#kaderattia #whistleblower #blue #glassart #artinnature #artandnature #sculptureart

🔵 Did you know that the deep blue color of the hand-blown glass in Kader Attias's work 'Whistleblower' has a rich connection to local history? Just a few kilometers south of Kistefos, Blaafarveværket (The Blue Colour Works) produced blue cobalt glass from 1776 to 1898. Even further south, Nøstetangen Glassworks, Norway’s first professional glassworks (est. 1741), provided fine glassware to the royal court in Denmark-Norway and beyond. Swipe to see these stunning sculptures up close! 💙 Photo: Jon Christian Bjone, Studio Hei #kaderattia #whistleblower #blue #glassart #artinnature #artandnature #sculptureart


Maria Sandvik

Maria Sandvik

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjons- og markedssjef Presse, markedsføring, sosiale medier, web 99649229

En kulturdestinasjon med en twist!

Kistefos er unik kulturdestinasjon, beliggende i vakre omgivelser på Jevnaker. Kistefos er bygd på det tidligere fabrikkområdet til Kistefos Træsliperi AS og består i dag av en imponerende skulpturpark med 52 skulpturer, to kunstgallerier med skiftende utstillinger, samt et industrimuseum. Det nye signaturbygget The Twist har høstet en rekke priser og nominasjoner for sitt spektakulære design.

Kistefos Museum
